Monday, April 20, 2015

Goldfish Pond

In my math class we did this activity called healthy fish. It was about probability using colored goldfish. The green colored goldfish were sick or unhealthy goldfish and the other colors, I think they were red, gold, and yellow, were healthy fish. It was actually a fun activity because it helped me understand the new concepts we were learning in class and it was a cool way to introduce probability. Probability is the likelihood of an event or something happening or being the case.

The activity it self was getting a bag of colored goldfish and placing them on the table. then we had to separate the sick fish from the healthy fish and count how many of each we had and record on our papers. Then we had to find the total number of fish we had and record it. we had to write in a ratio or fraction what the probability for the health fish was and what the sick fish probability was. So like my paper says 42 healthy fish and 8 sick fish, altogether there are 50 fish. My ratios would loo like 48:50 and 8:50. when you add them together for the probability of picking a healthy fish it is 1. This is just some of the worksheet we did but it was really fun to do.

1 comment:

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