Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Choo Choo Trains

Class begun with the teacher explaining that each student would grab as many cubes out of the box she was walking with as possible. After that was done we each counted how many cubes we grabbed, I grabbed 8. we recorded our number on our papers and counted how many students were in the class, 18 total. then we were given sticky notes to write our number of cubes on and took it with us to the front of the class and formed a human dot plot. We left out sticky notes on the board and sat back down. this helped us see the range of numbers we had. It was 11, this means we had 11 different numbers of which the students crabbed cubes from the box. then we looked at the most often number drawn or the mode, this was 9. We found the median too and this is the point in the data where half of the values are above and below this point, ours was also 9. Then we looked at the mean and this is then number that everyone should have for it to be equal in the data and ours was 8.8 repeating.

We discussed what the mean, median, and mode would be used for in real life situations. Such as you can the mean of horse races because the number are very similar. You can use median for the heights of students in a class. Also mode can be used for finding the most cars bought in a certain color versus other colors bought.


  1. Ellie, I really enjoyed this activity. I felt it really put things into perspective and it really helped us relate the topic discussed to real life situations. I really liked that you illustrated the exact activity, I was able to follow along and understand exactly how it happened. I liked that you mentioned the example of how horse races can be used to find the mean and such. Great job! :)

  2. Ellie,
    Ahh this activity was one of my favorites for the section. It was fun and interactive great way to visually see mean, median, and mode. Also I really liked that you gave examples of real life situation for mean, median, and mode great post to look over for the test that is coming up ;).
    Good Job!

  3. Ellie, I loved this layout. It is so pretty. I loved this activity that we did. You did a pretty good job explaining this activity. I do wish you would have gone a little more in depth with your explanation of mean, median, mode and range. Just giving a little background information would have been good. Other than that I think you did a nice job.
